Sunday, November 4, 2007

Why I Love Mr. Clean...

Two words...

Magic Erasers.

I swear they must be a gift from God. Seriously.

We just moved in to our new house last week. Already one of the boys(my money is on Quinn!) has found a crayon and "colored" one of our walls. Our WHITE walls. With a red crayon. A RED CRAYON.

Mr. Clean, I love you so. If I were not already married, and you weren't a commercial character, I am sure we could of had a beautiful relationship. A very loving, possibly dirty, relationship.


Anonymous said...

I have a crush on Mr. Clean as well, but I'll let you have him. I'm pretty serious with the Swiffer Wet Jet.

Jenny H. said...

Wordnerd- That's big of ya! I was prepared to fight you for him anyway!

The Monkey...

The Monkey...