Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lazy Whore...

You know it's bad when you are spending more time on the computer than on unpacking your house. To be fair, I have already unpacked all the boys things.Their room was the first thing I set up. Yes, they are sharing a room. They seem to like it. Who I am to mess with happy bebe's?

Our bedroom is looking pretty good. The spare bedroom is even okay. The living room looks rather swell, in my opinion. Even the kitchen isn't half bad.

But the dining room? Is a whole 'nother story. I have unpacked boxes like a Mo-Fo. My hands are permanently dried out from all the constant contact with cardboard. It is just plain awful. Just tell me to get off my ass already and finish unpacking- RIGHT NOW! I MEAN IT!

I need some sort of motivation. Help a girl out.


Burgh Baby said...

Remember, you asked for it:

Get off your butt and unpack already! Geesh!

(BTW, we've been in this house six years and there are still boxes in the garage that have never been unpacked. We'll be moving again in the next year or so, so I think I'm going to count them as ALREADY packed for the next move.)

Jenny H. said...

BBM- Sounds like a plan to me! And thanks for the tough love. I really did get a lot done today.

And I even got to watch my Falcons kick some Panther butt! All in all it was a beautiful day.

The Monkey...

The Monkey...