Monday, July 14, 2008

Operation Knocked Up...

************ possible TMI alert ************

It is official. I went to my OB/GYN this afternoon and had my IUD removed. We now have the green light, as it were, to begin making another baby. Our third baby. Can I get a WOOT!WOOT! ?

Well, not actually tonight. I am a little crampy and uncomfortable. Maybe tomorrow. On the bright side? It does not hurt at all to have it removed. In fact it literally took about two minutes. Seriously.

So now we wait.

And maybe begin discussing baby names. Or is that too soon?


Burgh Baby said...

YIKES! I guess maybe you are serious about this another baby thing. Good luck!

Jenny H. said...

BBM- Toldja! Thank you!

The Monkey...

The Monkey...