Sunday, July 6, 2008

And The Winner Is...

I had a bit of a dilema when it came to my contest. Three people guessed correctly. I asked Swistle what to do and she gave me the great idea of still using the RNG,but only between the three correct guessee's.

So I did. And the winner with the correct guess of the Titanic is.........

Kelsey of Midwest Mom!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I will be notifying her tonight and getting her address. Thank you all so much for playing. And for visiting my blog. I really appreciate it. I enjoyed all the vagina/penis guesses. Boy would THAT have been inappropriate! As it was,I was pretty horrified by the sight of a giant, blow up version of a sinking Titanic. With children running around it laughing and squealing. And still more children lined up to slide down it. I don't know what these people were thinking. I really don't.

But you can bet if it were a giant vagina/penis those same parent's would not be so eager to let their preshus children line up to slide down it. Can I get an amen?

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