Monday, September 24, 2007

The thrill of victory...and the agony of defeat...

I am a very happy girl after this weekend. Except for two things. One of which pissed me off so badly I am considering sending a nasty letter to ABC/ESPN. Betches...

Sorry, back to the topic at hand. My beloved Trojans kicked some Washington butt on Saturday. I was delirious with joy. of the aforementioned stations TOOK THE GAME OFF THE AIR IN THE THIRD QUARTER SO WE COULD WATCH FRICKIN IOWA AND WISCONSIN. IOWA AND WISCONSIN. CORN vs CHEESE. Apparently I am still a tiny bit upset. I just do not fathom why THE NUMBER 1 RANKED TEAM IN THE COUNTRY would have their game interrupted by THE NUMBER 9 RANKED TEAMS STUPID ASS GAME. Had that been any other team I promise you that would not have happened. Which also pisses me off. The fact that we don't get taken seriously. Because we are in the Pac-10. Um, correct me if I am wrong- BUT AREN'T WE CONSISTENTLY WINNING GAMES/CHAMPIONSHIPS?

Then you can all bite me.

The agony of defeat would be the loss my Falcons suffered at the hands of the Carolina Panthers. It was an ugly match. DeAngelo Hall did not have a good day. There were more personal fouls in this game than I can ever remember seeing. And the Cowboys spanked the Bears. And pretty much made them their betch. It was sad.

The Braves won.

My boyfriend did not. But there is still Talladega and Atlanta. Two tracks that he has a pretty good history with. I'm not worried. Besides, there is always next year!!

And that wraps it up. We are experiencing massive Baby Drama at the moment.


Floyd said...

Hi there, Jenny!

I spotted you as a fellow Atlantan over on Zoot's site.

So I come over here and lo and behold, you're a Nascar fan too! How did we not know this before!

Hope to see you at the Zoot thingie.

Jenny H. said...

Thanks! I am a HUGE NASCAR fan. Even though I have never actually been to a single race!

I totally hope to see you at the Zoot thingie! Doesn't she ROCK?!

The Monkey...

The Monkey...