Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Answer Is Four Days...

The question is how many days can I stay with my parent's before going completely insane?

Four days.

Don't get me wrong. I love my parent's. Without them the boys would have been in daycare. Which wasn't something I was ever crazy about. But to have to stay with them whilst my hubby was out of town for four long days is just too much. Way too much. And I am sure they will be more than happy to have their house back. Minus noisy children and a cranky daughter.

I am getting ready to pack all our stuff up now,thankyoujeebus. My husband should be calling any time now. I can't wait to go home. "Will & Grace" is calling my name.


Burgh Baby said...

I wouldn't have been able to make it past two, so well done!

Jenny H. said...

BBM- It was pretty tough! But I managed.

The Monkey...

The Monkey...