Thursday, April 17, 2008


So. I may and or may not, have broken my right pinky toe. I am fairly certain it cannot be a good sign when said pinky toe is angled out like it's at three'o'clock on my own personal foot timepiece. And it's black and swollen up like a fat,purple grape.

This is my own opinion. I am not a doctor. Nor do I intend to pay a fourty dollar co-pay for one to tell me it is broken and I am shit outta luck. Because as you know, you can't do jack to fix a *possibly* broken pinky toe. Except maybe have a big,fat glass of vino after having worked on it all day. Jeebus.

So that is where I am now. It sucks. Thank God I can wear flip-flops. I don't think I could get my poor toe into a real shoe.

At least not without a helluva lot more vino!!


jen said...

did you pinky swear on it a little too hard? ;)

I hope you feel better soon!

Jenny H. said...

Jen- Ha!

Burgh Baby said...

OUCH! I guess the good news is that you can still see your toe. That counts for something, I think.

Jenny H. said...

BBM- I'm not really sure I WANT to still be able to see looks pretty gross.

The Monkey...

The Monkey...