Saturday, December 1, 2007


I only made it to fourty-eight. Too bad, so sad. There is always next year!

All in all I really am quite proud of myself. I am loving my new button, too!

See ya on the flip side, my peeps.


Paul is a Hermit said...

What button? You mean for posting all November?

What they need to do, is change the name, that, Nablopomo, or something.
It's not catchy nor instructive about itself.
No matter, for this year, you should be proud to have thought up something each day.

Jenny H. said...

Paul- Thank you. I am very proud of myself. I have new friends and I feel like I have grown.

But mainly, I have new friends!!! Like you!

Anonymous said...

Dude! That's awesome! I can't get 48 posts done in twice the time!!!

Paul is a Hermit said...

Hey..., I'm the lucky one, thank you.
In a very short time, the BCS is going to make you very, very happy.

Jenny H. said...

Wordnerd- Thank you. You are so awesome. And CONGRATS!!!

Paul- Dude, I am already VERY HAPPY. The Rose Bowl is the epitome of holiday bowls, in my humble opinion. I love to watch the parade and have done so for too many years to count. I am very excited.

BTW- GO TIGERS! That was for both of you!

Be Inspired Always said...

Great job :)

I'm new to your blog, I just found you tonight.


Jenny H. said...

BIA- I'm glad you dropped by. Thank you.

The Monkey...

The Monkey...