Saturday, November 24, 2007


You Are Pumpkin Pie

You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality.
You're able to relate to many types of people with many different tastes.
But you're by no means generic or ordinary.
In fact, you're one of the most original people around.

Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special.
You tend confuse people when they first meet you. You're not as complicated as you seem.
Even though you have a lot of spice and flavor to you, you're never overpowering.
You are a calm and comforting force in people's lives.

I must tell you all that I am completely horrified by this. I detest Pumpkin Pie. With the fire of a thousand suns.



Anonymous said...

Awww, well, let's put it this way. You are the only pumpkin pie I can tolerate!

How's that?

Jenny H. said...

Wordnerd- Thank you. I feel slightly better about being an icky pie.

Paul is a Hermit said...

It's not really a pie; it's a depository for all the "stuff" people dig out of their Halloween pumpkin creations. They had to put the "stuff" somewhere, so they bought pie shells and have tried to make us eat it since.

You ma'am, are not pumpkin, I believe you are another apple.(The BEST!) Gee, or are you laying claim to being a meringue like a few others I know?

Jenny H. said...

Paul- Apple is fine by me! Besides, the only meringue I like is lemon. And I'm not sure I'm okay with that either!!

Thanks for stopping by!

The Monkey...

The Monkey...