Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Drumroll please...

I did NOT make it on the jury.

I would be lying if I didn't tell all of you how relieved I am. Or disappointed. I can't help it. It is a very interesting case. And now you can all hear the juicy details. So here goes!

It is a capital murder case. The D.A. is going for the death penalty. That would have been something that would have probably haunted me until the day I died. Even if it turns out he deserved it. Knowing someone committed a heinous crime and sentencing him to death for it are two totally different entities. If the crime(s) warranted death, yes I could have chosen the death penalty. Would I have liked it? No. Not at all.

It happened in the spring of 2004. In my county. He allegedly shot two people. A man first and then hid his body in some kudzu. He then robbed a woman and shot her and hid her body as well. The man that he shot was a crony of our sheriff. And they used to hang out in this local dive bar. Across the street from the steakhouse I used to work at a long time ago. He was also dating a stripper from the Cheetah. Who is African American. I personally don't care if he was having an inter-racial relationship, but some of the people on the jury did. Seriously. It was an actual question we were asked. I also believe there were some sort of drugs involved. We were asked about meth. We were told there would be crime scene photos, and that they were quite graphic. All in all, quite a doozy for my first attempt at jury duty.

So yes, I am relieved to have been dismissed from jury duty. I would like to thank all of you for your kind words and your thoughts of me and my family during this stressful time.

It helped me make it through this process. I am more grateful than you could ever know.


Burgh Baby said...

It's sort of unfortunate that you didn't make the jury, given that you were prepared to take it seriously and would have thoroughly thought the your decision. But it's good that you won't miss all that time with your family.

I was on a jury a few years ago (for a case nowhere near as serious) and it was very disappointing to learn how many of the people there didn't really care and just wanted the testimony to end so they could side with the "old lady" and go home. Many people had decided by lunch the first day that they should side with the "old lady" for no reason other than she was old. So much for justice.

Jenny H. said...

Burgh Baby's Mom- I know! It really irritates me that people don't take it seriously. You are supposed to.

But now I can plan mah holidays!

The Monkey...

The Monkey...